Turning Your Poultry Manure into Quality Fertilizer

Waste Management of Commercial Poultry Farms

Poultry farms account for a large proportion of the livestock industry, you can find many large poultry farms  in every country. Even in remote villages in China, you will find poultry farms. When carrying out poultry farms, you may consider many questions, such as what is the use of poultry litter, how to deal with poultry manure. In fact, the production of organic fertilizer through compost fermentation is an important way of resource utilization of poultry litter. By composting and fermenting, your farm’s poultry waste no longer smells bad and you don’t have to worry about how to deal with it. We offer you different kinds of poultry composting machine.

Related Equipment used in Organic Fertilizer Production for Poultry Litter Composting
Related Equipment used in Organic Fertilizer Production for Poultry Litter Composting

Values of Poultry Litter through Composting

Do you think your poultry manure are a big nuisance? Do not despair! Poultry waste can also be one of your farm’s assets. It can completely become “black gold” through composting. In animal manure, poultry manure has a higher content of nutrients. Since poultry can only absorb about 30% of the nutrients in the feed, more nutrients will be excreted in the feces and urine, such as incompletely digested feed residues, dissolved minerals and organic matter. Therefore, poultry manure is rich in organic matter and a large amount of micronutrients.

However, poultry waste cannot directly act on the soil. If you directly return the untreated manure to the field, it will cause the crops to burn the roots and seedlings, also can breed insect eggs and aggravate crop diseases. The decomposed poultry manure is a high-quality organic fertilizer, which can not only increase production, but also improve the quality. So poultry composting machine is necessary for you. But how do you compost your poultry litter?

Poultry Composting Machine for Commercial Poultry Waste Treatment in SX Machinery
Poultry Composting Machine for Commercial Poultry Waste Treatment in SX Machinery

Composting Aerobic and Anaerobic of Poultry Waste

First of all, the principle of composting has two types: anaerobic fermentation and aerobic fermentation.

 Anaerobic fermentation

Anaerobic fermentation is a process in which manure is reduced or completely isolated from contact with air. In this process, anaerobic bacteria are used to decompose organic matter to produce carbon dioxide, water, methane and humus soil. The anaerobic composting has two stages: the first is the acid production stage, and the second is the methane production stage. Why is it called anaerobic composting? Because there is no oxygen involved in the anaerobic fermentation process. Anaerobic composting has many reaction steps, slow speed and long time.

Aerobic fermentation

Most of the current composting technology is based on aerobic fermentation. The same goes for poultry composting machine. Aerobic composting has three stages. The first is the mid-temperature stage, also called the heat-generating stage, which refers to the initial stage of the composting process. After the medium temperature stage, it enters the second stage, that is, the high temperature stage. When the temperature of the compost layer reaches above 45 degrees, it enters the high temperature stage. During this process, some organic matter is oxidatively decomposed. Finally, it enters the third stage of composting: the cooling stage.

Composting is an aerobic process. Air enters the compost pile through the pores, providing the composting microorganisms with the oxygen they need to breathe. During respiration, the oxygen content decreases and the carbon dioxide content increases.

Fermented Poultry Manure Material Produced by Groove Type Compost Turner in the Trench
Fermented Poultry Manure Material Produced by Groove Type Compost Turner in the Trench

When Should You Stop Composting of Poultry Litter Temperature?

Temperature is one of the necessary conditions for composting. Composting has no special requirements for the temperature of the environment. The weather is cold or hot, summer or winter, you can compost your manure in different seasons using poultry composting machine. Because aerobic microorganisms will naturally heat up after breeding. The temperature of compost has three stages. At the beginning, it is the heating stage. When the temperature reaches about 70 degrees, it reaches the high temperature stage. A few hours later, the harmful bacteria and weed seeds can be killed. After that, the temperature will drop. When the temperature no longer rises, it proves that the compost is mature. You can carry out the next process.

The conditions for composting include organic matter, water, air, temperature, and time. When provided with a balanced source of organic matter, oxygen, and water, microorganisms are rapidly stimulated, grow rapidly, and will cause a rapid rise in temperature The temperature of the compost pile is a simple and excellent indicator of how well the composting process is going and how much oxygen is being used. Why do we need to measure the temperature of our compost? Because we use a thermometer to measure the temperature of the compost pile as an indicator of microbial activity in the compost. When the compost temperature reaches 160 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, we know it’s time to turn.

Thermometer Monitoring Temperature in the Trench for Poultry Waste Fermentation
Thermometer Monitoring Temperature in the Trench for Poultry Waste Fermentation

How to Accelerate Composting Poultry Waste?

There are many ways to speed up composting, but the use of poultry composting machine is one of the fastest methods of composting fermentation. Of course, it is also necessary to add some biological bacteria to the raw materials to speed up the composting. Composting is like making a cake, you have to follow a specific recipe or it won’t work out very well. Microorganisms need the right amount of oxygen and moisture to work properly, and a lack or excess of any element can prevent microbes from thriving, resulting in a heat deficit and poor composting environment. In general, in order to maintain a good composting process, proper material ratio, correct moisture content, proper temperature, and keeping the compost pile are indispensable methods. For poultry manure, you can speed up your composting by choosing the right poultry composting machine based on the size of your farm.


Add some Biological Bacteria to the Raw Poultry Manure Materials to Accelerate Composting Process
Add some Biological Bacteria to the Raw Poultry Manure Materials to Accelerate Composting Process

Three Methods of Litter Management in Poultry Farms

There are several methods to compost your poultry litter. Composting methods range from fairly simple windrows or static plies to closed composting. The purpose is to achieve the conditions of composting, and finally produce high-quality organic fertilizer.

Windrow composting

In windrow composting, you should put poultry litter in long windrows. The optimum height and width of these windrows will depend on the type of equipment used to turn them. The windrow composting is suitable for small scale organic fertilizer production. There are two types of poultry composting machine for you to choose.

Crawler Type Compost Turner for Poultry Litter

The crawler type compost turner belongs to the ground composting and fermentation mode. Firstly, it needs to stack the materials in long strips, then the crawler type compost turner slowly moves and flips on the long strip, regularly stirs and crushes the materials, and finally decomposes the organic matter under aerobic conditions. So what are the advantages of the crawler type compost turner? The crawler type compost turner can replace high-strength manual turning, which greatly saves time and labor, and creates a better aerobic environment for material fermentation.

Crawler Type Compost Turner for Sale of Windrow Composting in SX Poultry Litter Fertilizer Production Plant
Crawler Type Compost Turner for Sale of Windrow Composting in SX Poultry Litter Fertilizer Production Plant

Moving Type Compost Turner for Poultry Litter

The moving type compost turner is a pile turning equipment that integrates the functions of walking, crushing, mixing, and turning. It has the advantages of uniform mixing, thorough turning, and long moving distance. It is widely suitable for the fermentation of organic wastes such as livestock and poultry manure, sludge waste, organic fertilizer plants, mud waste plants, horticultural fields, and straw sawdust. The moving type compost turner uses a four-wheel moving design, which is controlled and driven by one person. The operation is simple, free, and flexible. We can implement it in the open field or the workshop greenhouse. The moving type compost turner uses a diesel engine as its power source.

Moving Type Compost Turner for Sale of Windrow Composting in SX Poultry Waste Recycling Equipment Plant
Moving Type Compost Turner for Sale of Windrow Composting in SX Poultry Waste Recycling Equipment Plant

Trench Composting

Trench composting is a fermentation process that needs to build a trench. It is more suitable for large or medium-sized poultry farms. For example, if you have 30,000 chickens or more other poultry, then trench composting is an ideal fermentation method. There are three types of poultry compost turners available for trench composting.

Groove Type Compost Turner for Poultry Manure

The groove type compost turner is the equipment that needs to build a trench. You can use one machine with one trench or one machine with multiple trenches. The characteristics of the trough type turning machine are that the turning span is large and the efficiency is high; the electronic control system is easy to operate; the tooth extraction is durable and even turning.If you have a lot of poultry manure, the trough turner can not only save you time, but also turn efficiently, it is the perfect choice.

Chain Plate Type Compost Turner for Poultry Manure

The chain plate type compost turner makes full use of the deep pool design to realize automatic discharge, intelligently control the material turning process. Making the fermentation material produce a certain displacement in the pool, thereby forming a continuous aerobic fermentation process. First of all, the turning resistance of the chain plate compost turner is small, which saves electricity and is suitable for deep groove operations. Secondly, there are removable wear-resistant blades on the pallet, which have strong crushing ability. Finally, the material stays on the pallet for a long time. they are fully in contact with the air, and the oxygenation effect is good.

Wheel Type Compost Turner for Poultry Manure

The wheel type compost turner is more suitable for the fermentation of large-scale farms. You need to build a trench. However, due to the large turning span, only one trench is enough. Of course, you can build the trench according to your scale. Similarly, the wheel turner can be customized with different types according to the width of the trench. The chain transmission mechanism is adopted in the middle, which drives the gears to perform left-right symmetrical turning.

Factory Introduction about SX for Poultry Waste Organic Fertilizer Production
Factory Introduction about SX for Poultry Waste Organic Fertilizer Production

Customers Visit from Different Countries in SX Machinery for Poultry Manure Fertilizer Making
Customers Visit from Different Countries in SX Machinery for Poultry Manure Fertilizer Making

Organic Fertilizer Fermentation Pot for Poultry Waste

Organic fertilizer fermentation pots are ideal choice if you don’t want to build a trench, nor do you want to stack them. It can save you a lot of time, and it takes up less space, closed fermentation, and no pollution. Fermentation pot is the choice for the majority of breeding enterprises, circular agriculture and ecological agriculture to realize the utilization of waste resources. In addition, you can choose fermentation pots of different capacities and forms according to your needs.

If you want to compost your poultry manure, there are six types of poultry composting machine for you to choose from, and you can choose the right turner machine according to the size and scale of your poultry farm. Each compost turner has its own performance and advantages, I believe it will be a good helper for your poultry composting.

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